Alumni on Board

Welcome to the August 2020 Issue of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Discourse !

In a bid to feature relatively less noticed or unheard voices, we reached out to the University’s alumni this time. As a result, we have had five people on board. Mr. Anuroop Manandhar (Biotechnology) and Ms. Rubeena Mahato (Media Studies) represent the graduates of the first batches of the programs launched first time in Nepal. Dr. Uttam Budhathoki, Ms. Roshee Lamichhane Bhusal, and Dr. Nirish Vaidya, alumni of Pharmacy, Management and Medical Sciences, respectively, are currently the faculties in the University.  This makes it an Alumni Special Issue, and grasps visible diversity of subjects.

However, readers may discern broad themes of mentoring and growth represented here or there.

We have also added two other categories from this issue: “Know Thy Mentor” and “From the University of Life.” For the first, we will feature at least one passionate teacher/mentor. The second will have at least one non-teaching staff who has served the University for an extended period of time. In a sense, these columns will introduce those who choose to work and thrive silently and celebrate their achievements with utmost optimism no matter how big or small the achievements are.

List of Posts in this issue:

  1. Anuroop Manandhar: “The Prices and Rewards of Being Early”
  2. Rubeena Mahato: “We Didn’t Do So Bad, After All”
  3. Anusha Gyawali, Shephalika Dhakal and Saugat Bastola: “Meet Thy Mentor: Dr. Uttam Budhathoki”
  4. Roshee Lamichhane: “What It Means to Be an Assistant Professor”
  5. Nirish Vaidya: “Myths and Realities behind ‘Whole Body Check-up”
  6. Niraj Poudyal: “On Mentors”
  7. दामोदर घिमिरेः “जीवनको विश्वविद्यालयका कर्मयोगी तेजबहादुर पुरी”

We invite constructive feedback for our works and, yes, valuable write-ups for the future issues. Happy reading!


Continuing beyond the Ritual

This site has evolved from a blog named Forum for Interdisciplinary Thoughts (KUFIT) initiated in April 2011. Updating the blog was halted for some time for certain technical reasons. But now we have revived it more formal Forum for Interdisciplinary Discourse (FID) with intention to accommodate ideas/scholarship across different domains. We keep intact the initial objective “to envision fresh zeal for collective growth, and to sustain our old values for quality pursuits and services.”

The inception have underlined working beyond the ritual, with emphasis thinking “like scholars and intellectuals experts of particular disciplines” intending to “educate one another by writing perceptions of and perspectives the world as simple essays and stories.” Too big the aim might sound, but that academia should qualify for being focused to wisdom, transcending knowledge and scholarship in various domains.

We reiterate belief here: Academics should think beyond rigid jargonistic scholarships and able to communicate knowledge and wisdom to benefit wider public. Let us work towards, with simple expectations — contribution with writings and comments have some urge for communicating knowledge and wisdom.

This issue of FID features:

May our efforts lead us toward a successful and enriching academic future.
Thank you!

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KUFIT sustains the commitment to continue though our appearance of late has been intermittent. This is one of the several good things we do and aspire to do in the University. So, our delay is reasonable.We promise not to fail. And we will keep on asking you to contribute by writing, by reading and by letting your own circle of friends know that we have this small platform.

We heartily thank our regular contributors. They have kept their promises despite having the same extent of engagement as we. They have helped us keep the zeal for keeping the forum alive. They have helped make it more professional and interdisciplinary by providing us diversity of themes and subjects.

We present KUFIT in a new template and platform. The previous site reportedly failed to open in certain places, and that some antiviruses blocked it. We hope the present site is more accessible. We hope it serves the purpose of intellectual engagements.

We expect your feedback.

In this issue:

1. The Omnipresent Force by Pushpa Raj Adhikary

2. सोमरस भनेको मदिरा नै हो त? by Mukunda Upadhyaya

3. Open and Distance Learning in Nepal... by Khagendra Acharya

4. अन्तरिक्ष-विज्ञान सम्बन्धमा केही चर्चा by Nirmala Mani Adhikary

5. Breathtaking Beijing by Kashiraj Pandey

6. On Identity by Hem Raj Kafle


Certain things prevented us from bringing KUFIT into a form desired for a celebratory anniversary issue. These are the things that have helped defer many good plans in a larger context. But despite uncertainties looming around, and a number of reasons to resign from positive reflection and creativity, we have been able to collect some insightful contributions to start the second year.
Academics have their commitments; their work must not come to a halt even though the world around them is falling apart. We could have written tons about our time’s happenings, about deterrents of smooth academic pursuits. But we spare that area for those who are good at it, and keep to more sustainable, universal critical lines. Thus, the Forum sustains with its interdisciplinary fervor. We hope to continue the venture and invite regular cooperation from colleagues. Please read and let us feel KUFIT has served its purpose.

Editor’s Say

It feels like a while ago when I first told Prof. Pushpa Raj Adhikary of my desire to run a monthly academic blogzine for KU faculties. He showed intense liking for it and promised to contribute one article a month. The desire became a plan. I requested four of my colleagues to coordinate. Their enthusiasm and commitment equaled Prof. Adhikary’s and mine. We were afoot at once with KUFIT.  Then I, as the initiator and editor/moderator, took up sneaking into the inboxes of majority KU inmates asking  for contributions. One year’s pestering yielded little or naught in terms of writings. But it at least made many realize that some ‘inspired’ apparitions were already  around tinkering in private spheres.  Glad to note, nevertheless, the Forum has completed a year and heads for a celebratory anniversary issue next month.  
Discipline-wise distribution of posts
A brief survey of one year’s coverage lends optimism to the KUFIT team and their readers. We have been able to publish nine issues altogether, with 46 articles and 9 editorials. We  would forgive ourselves for skipping three months because they involved vacations, festivals, evaluations and, above all, strikes at the University. The posts represent disciplines as broad and diverse as popular science, education, social sciences (history, politics, theology, sociology etc.), interdisciplinary discourse, media and communication and literary criticism. 
KUFIT has never been a space to scribble anyone’s unwarranted ramblings. Nor has it provided an outlet for one disgruntled neighbour to come by and vent frustrations about another disgruntled neighbour.
The site has covered an interesting variety of themes ranging from universe, science, human nature, academic growth, ethics, values, rhetoric and migration to constitution, historical events, teaching experiences and travels.  Genre-wise, it has included narratives (fictions, memoirs, travelogues and reflections), research articles, features, reflective essays, book reviews and editorials. 

Genre-wise distribution of posts
KUFIT has faced nonchalance and non-cooperation. But it has never been a space for unwarranted ramblings. Nor has it provided an outlet for one disgruntled neighbour to come by and vent frustrations about another disgruntled neighbour. Nor even is it for the team an image booster. We did not need one both in personal and professional levels. Most of us have been in KU for over a dozen years, spent most of our life’s productive hours struggling to grow and let grow here, and established our firm ethical-professional footings among faculties and students. We have only wanted to diversify our commitments by bringing out an accessible platform for scholarly involvement.

Audience status on a typical day

The number, quality, critical diversity  and readership KUFIT represents should tickle skeptics for a nod, at least now when we prepare to publish the anniversary issue. And we heartily thank all our contributors and readers for being with us till date. With your readiness to write and read for one year, you have already assured us of your future commitments. We only want you to help us sustain our zeal by motivating others to join. On our part, we will continue to struggle and emulate. 
May New Year 2069 bring more knowledge and optimism to all of us.
   Hem Raj Kafle

Being Locally Useful


KUFIT reaches readers through emails as the only means of reaching out, where we sometimes audaciously nag our colleagues to contribute with articles. And we are equally aware of possible unwelcome responses for tampering in specialized coteries in the name of sharing broader worldviews and scholarships. We will nevertheless continue to pardon ourselves for our once-a-month audacity, confident that our purposes are not unwarranted.  If the world around us still suspects what KUFIT stands for, let voices be heard. On our part, we have kept it as a platform for the thinkers of KU, who love to think in the benefit of others. 

We want to disseminate thoughts “made in KU.” This might sound outlandish, but is not impractical. Have we, as academics, begun to experience different thought patterns for which people outside KU consider us different? Have we not struggled enough in the field of scholarship to be able to claim certain potentials, which are originally ours? What has transcended our institutional and personal fixities in addition to the sagas of individual and (rarely) collective achievements? We might choose to reflect these questions in the days ahead. KUFIT aims to tickle all of us into reliving our shared contributions in the field of critical thinking, which the society we believe to have served will own now or years ahead.   

Our institutional location validates our efforts. Faculty blogs like KUFIT are not uncommon. We may one day like to work close to the standards of professors from Princeton, Cornell, Harvard, and MIT among others.  We only need the desire to represent and transmit the vision of excellence. If excellence is a point of convergence, we will be able to establish commonness while allowing healthy differences to grow. Discourses stem from differences, especially when people who love one another but respect grounds of dissent allow their alternative explanations to clash. KUFIT invites discourses based on healthy disagreements. Please disagree with your writers. If you agree, tell us what best contributes to the growth of knowledge and scholarship. Your involvement is crucial.


Nepalis are experiencing one of the most volatile times in history waiting for stability and sustainability of commonsense.  Common citizens see the present in view of the gradual dilapidation of the age-old structure of unity and shared identities. For some, the moment is not for indifference because indifference would cost little or more, now or later.  For others this is not the time to act an ostrich as if nothing is happening around.

And, in the chaotic time like today people would expect some healing ideas from one of the supposedly anxious groups of people — the intellectuals.  But, do we have intellectuals to devise ways to rescue the nation out of the mire of uncertainties? Does their anxiety involve the fate of the majority who are caught in the dilemma between optimism and pessimism?

Time entrusts intellectuals with the responsibility to generate hope and optimism. Let us reflect on these questions:  What will we do if the society and institutions we lead fail to attract and satisfy the aspirations of young people? How many aspiring youths are prepared to take us as role models for tomorrow? Let us start to think if we can help, at least in part, ensure that the country will still build up to accommodate our good expectations.


भौतिक विज्ञानले दृष्‍टिकोणलाई गौण मानी दृष्यमा विश्‍वास गर्नुपर्छ भन्ला, प्रवृत्तिलाईभन्दा पात्रलाई मुख्य ठान्ला। तर ज्ञानको सिर्जना र सम्प्रेषण गर्ने थलोमा दृष्‍टिकोण र प्रवृत्ति दुवैको अहम् मूल्य हुन्छ। दृष्य र पात्रहरू महत्वपूर्ण साधनहरू हुन्। तर ती स्वाभावत: नाशिने वा विश्थापित हुने हुनाले समाज बिकासका प्रमुख मार्गदर्शक बन्दैनन्। ज्ञान, दृष्टिकोण र प्रवृत्ति समयानुसार संसोधित हुँदै लगातार प्रसारित हुने हुँदा मानवको प्रत्येक नयाँ पुस्ताले यीबाट निर्देशित हुन पाउँछ। 
असल मानिसहरू चुपचाप ओझेलमा सिर्जनाका कामहरू गरिरहेको बेला खराब पात्रहरूको मात्र चर्चा समाजले  गरेको पाइन्छ ।  खराबीको चर्चामा समय फालेको समूहले सिर्जनालाई ढिलो देख्‍छ, र प्रत्यक्ष भौतिक फाइदा वा हानीको महसुस नहुन्जेलसम्म त्यसको महत्व पनि बुझ्दैन। आम मानिसको दैनिकी महामानवहरूको संगतमा चलेको हुँदैन, न त हरेक मानिसमा शिखरमा पुग्ने महत्वाकाङ्‍क्षा नै हुन्छ। समाजलाई थेग्ने पात्रहरू सामान्य जीवन बाँच्छन्। असल मानिसहरूले आफ्नो विवेकले ठिक देखेको काम निरन्तर गरिरहने हुनाले समाज बस्नलायक रहन्छ। रचनात्मक काम केही नगर्ने, गर्न नसक्ने वा गर्नै नचाहनेहरूको पनि कमी छैन। चाहने र सक्नेले नचाहने र नसक्नेलाई पनि हतेर्दै लिएर हिँड्नु पर्ने वाध्यता प्रगतिको वाधक भएता पनि समाजले यसलाई आत्मसात गरेको हुन्छ।
हामीले सकारात्मक दृष्‍टिकोणले समाजमा राम्रा मान्यताहरू स्थापित हुने र नकारात्मक प्रवृत्तिले स्थापित मान्यताहरूको विनाश गर्ने कुरामा सचेत भई आफ्नो सिर्जनशील बाटो तय गरेका छौँ। हामी ठान्छौँ, सचेत मानिसहरूको ठूलो जमात यो देशमा कहीँ न कहीँ अल्मलिएको छ, रचनात्मक दायीत्वबाट जानी जानी विमुख भएको छ। लाग्छ, जिम्मेवारीले चुनौती दिन, र विवेकले घचघच्याउन छाडिसक्यो। कामना गरौँ रछ्यान मिल्काउँदैमा समय खेर नजाओस्। अनुत्पादक भिड बढ्दै जाँदा हुने असुरक्षाप्रति हामी सबै सजग रहनुपर्छ।
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